
Florida man who owed $549,000 in child support disappears on paddleboard


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Constantine Theoharis walked into the Atlantic Ocean with his blue paddleboard the morning of March 20 and has not been seen since.

He was expected in court later that day to speak on charges that he owed $549,000 in child support, according to WTVJ. The hearing was rescheduled for Tuesday but Theoharis is gone without a trace.


"Right now, I'm like 50-50, either he fled or he's out there drowned. I don't know," his brother Rick Theoharis told WTVJ. "For nobody to find the board, for him not to come back, his wallet, keys were there at the house, something's fishy."

Family, friends and private companies have canvassed the ocean in search of “Con.”

His driver's license, cellphone and passport were left at home. Fins, a mask and weight belt were missing from a dive bag, according to WFOR.

Theoharis, 52, and his ex-wife divorced in 2008. She has been fighting over child support for their two children for the last five years, according to WTVJ.

"He was under pressure. He owed $600,000 and he didn't have it. He was afraid the judge would throw him in jail," Rick Theoharis told WFOR. "If he's scared, we hope he will contact us. We can figure this whole thing out."