
Second visitor in three days gored by bison at Yellowstone National Park

Another visitor has been attacked by a bull bison at Yellowstone National Park, just three days after another visitor was gored.

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The National Park Service said that a 71-year-old woman from West Chester, Pennsylvania, was the latest victim to be targeted by a bull bison. The attack was near Storm Point at Yellowstone Lake on Wednesday, June 29.

On June 28, a man approached a bison walking near a boardwalk at Giant Geyser. He was also gored, and suffered an arm injury, as we reported at the time.

On May 30, a woman was gored near a boardwalk at Black Sand Basin, as we previously reported.

Officials with the National Park Service said that in each case, the victims got too close to the animals before they were attacked. In the most recent attack, rangers said that the woman and her daughter “inadvertently approached the bison as they were returning to their vehicle at the trailhead, causing the bull bison to charge.”

Park officials described the victim’s injuries as non-life-threatening, and said she was taken by ambulance to a hospital in Cody, Wyoming.

Park rangers emphasize that humans should stay more than 25 yards away from all large animals, including bison, elk, sheep, deer, and moose. Humans should stay at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves.

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