
Woman angry over haircut tries to shoot barber

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA — Police say a woman in San Diego tried to shoot a barber because she was unhappy with her haircut.

Barber Manny Montero says 29-year-old Andrian Blanche Swain left happy with her new haircut giving him a $20 tip on top of her $20 cut.
But an hour later, Swain returned to the barber shop armed with a gun to complain about the cut.
Witnesses say Swain then tried to shoot Montero three times but the gun didn't fire.
That's when Montero and another barber who witnessed the confrontation threw her to the ground and held her until authorities arrived.

Montero claims she did it to herself, "she came in with you know a bald spot on the side and I'm like, I didn't do that."  Another barber, Chris Tatum agrees, "When she came back in, she did not have the same haircut that she actually left with."

San Diego Police say Adrian Swain's gun was loaded but it malfunctioned.

The customer is facing attempted murder charges.