
Woman becomes first Secret Service motorcycle officer

WASHINGTON, D.C. — It's one of the most elite divisions of the Secret Service: The Motorcade Support Unit. The 14 motorcycle officers are responsible for clearing the way for the presidential motorcades and dignitaries.

In its nearly 20-year history, that team has been all male, but the unit just added its first female member, Lauren Gunawan.


Gunawan has had an obsession with motorcycles since she was 18 years old.

"It's the freedom, the freedom of riding," Gunawan told CNN. "My parents were definitely not too excited that I got a motorcycle. My dad especially. I'm daddy's little girl."

Gunawan grew up in Neponset, Illinois, a town with a population of only 400. But her small town upbringing sparked some big dreams.

"It always made me want to be a police officer," said Gunawan.

Gunawan's grandfather was an auxiliary police chief. Three years ago, she set her sights even higher and made the move to D.C. to join the Secret Service.

Landing a spot in the elite motorcycle unit is no easy task. In fact, candidates only have about a 40 percent pass rate. The biggest hurdle is actually being able to lift one of the 1,100-pound motorcycles, which Gunawan said she did on her first try.

"I put all the hard work and dedication into it," she said.

But she didn't pass the course the first time, tripped up by a grueling maneuvering test.

"When I got my opportunity the first time, I was able to pick up that bike no problem. I just didn't get through the course the first time. So I was thankful that they were able to give me a second opportunity," said Gunawan

"She was definitely determined to become a technician on this unit and to get mounted," said training officer Brian Popiel. "Every day she gave 120 percent. There's no reason that a woman shouldn't be on this unit. She brings a lot to the table. Her attitude is by far probably one of the best that I've seen."

At just 30 years old, Gunawan has made her mark.

"It was extraordinary. I feel like I got to break that glass ceiling," said Gunawan. "I don't want anybody to think that they can't get something and it looks unreachable. If you put hard work and dedication into it, you'll get it and you'll achieve your goals."

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