Pittsburgh Steelers

Steelers defensive back arrested at South Side bar, waived by team


PITTSBURGH — Pittsburgh Steelers defensive back Kameron Kelly was arrested Friday at a bar in Pittsburgh’s South Side.

Police said Kelly was allegedly being disorderly at Mario's South Side Saloon and became confrontational with an officer who told him he had to leave.

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The complaint said Kelly previously threatened to knock out an employee at the bar after his music selection was skipped over on the jukebox.

While outside the bar with Kelly, the officer accidentally stepped on the foot of a woman who then began arguing. Kelly said the woman was “his girl” and then pushed his chest against the officer’s and threatened him, the complaint said.

Kelly resisted arrest and argued with officers, one of whom punched Kelly in the face multiple times during the struggle, police said. Kelly was taken to a Pittsburgh hospital to be treated for a busted lip. He was then taken to the Allegheny County Jail.

Before Kelly came to Mario’s, a bartender across the street at Local told Channel 11 she served him alcohol, but she said she was very surprised to hear that he was charged.

“I’m shocked because he was being super chill here. I didn’t think he would cause any trouble,” said Hannah Steele. “He was super quiet, he didn’t cause any issues. (He) didn’t know what he wanted to drink and I was trying to help him out with that.”

But not long after that, the incident that landed him in police custody happened across the street. Kelly is charged with resisting arrest and terroristic threats.

Friday afternoon around 1:30 the Steelers announced that Kelly has been waived and Marcus Allen will take his spot on the roster.