Pittsburgh Steelers

Troy Polamalu reflects on time as a Pittsburgh Steeler in social media post


PITTSBURGH — In a lengthy Facebook post on Monday, Troy Polamalu, one of five new inductees to the Steelers Hall of Honor, reflected on his time in Pittsburgh, including a rookie season that fell short of expectations.

Polamalu called that first NFL season “a bust” and remembered reading a newspaper account of his struggles. “I couldn’t make a play of any significance. I recall reading the newspaper early in the season calling me a first round bust. I vowed not to read any sports column in the future.”

Polamalu was chosen for the team’s Hall of Honor, along with his former teammate James Farrior, as well as former linebacker, Greg Lloyd, and two Steelers from the 1970s Super Bowl dynasty, Dwight White and Mike Wagner.

In his Facebook post, Polamalu had high praise for teammates like Jerome Bettis, his “next door neighbor” in the locker room. “I doubt anyone could ask for a better person to ‘school me to the game’ than Jerome,” Polamalu wrote.

Polamalu called several other former teammates, including Hines Ward, James Farrior, Mike Logan, Ike Taylor and Joey Porter, “truly brothers” and even recognized Steelers Hall of Famer Joe Greene as the NFL’s greatest player. “As the saying goes, the best player, on the best team, is the MVP. Joe Greene is the best player, from the most successful organization in NFL history,” Polamalu wrote.

He wrote of the legacy that has been passed on to current players, such as Cam Heyward and TJ Watt, of his respect for what he called the “Steeler way” and about what makes the organization great. “It’s the success of a family. The core of our success is culture based on essential virtues any person respects and honors. Humility, Passion, Resilience and Legacy.”

Polamalu finished his post with two words, “Thanks yinz.”

A Pittsburgh Steeler People find it hard to believe that the first NFL game I actually watched, was the first NFL game...

Posted by Troy Polamalu on Monday, September 28, 2020