
What weather’s in store for summer 2021? Meteorologist Scott Harbaugh has your forecast


PITTSBURGH — You like heat? You want humidity? Have we got a summer for you! This is the summer of getting back to normal, and we know you want to get back to fairs, festivals and summer events.

The unofficial start of summer is Memorial Day, and temperatures are going to soar this summer. I’m forecasting an average high temperature in June, July and August to be just a touch more than 83°. That’s nearly two degrees above our normal seasonal average. July will be the warmest month, but June and August will have plenty of 80° days.

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You can blame, or thank, La Niña for the heat. We’re coming out of a moderate La Niña from this past winter. Over the last three decades, many of our summers coming out of a moderate La Niña have seen above-average temperatures.

However, those same summers usually see above average rainfall — especially the first half of the summer. I’m forecasting nearly 5 inches of rain for the month of June, and more than 4 inches of rain in July. Most of that rain will come from drenching thunderstorms, which could mean an active severe weather season to kick off summer. I do expect a little less rain in August and slightly cooler temperatures, but there will still be plenty of warmth to get outside.

Hot temps, thunderstorms with heavy rain, and a slightly cooler August. Go ahead, plan your outdoor activities. Just have extra water and an umbrella handy.